How to teach acoustics?
Best practices for education
Acoustics is related to various disciplines. Due to this diversity, teaching and learning methodology should be properly matched to the discipline, to the terminology and should link with its application.
Acoustics is an experimental science. A huge part of knowledge is lost if this link with experiments is hidden. If we take that into consideration, finding a good educational practice is more tricky. Even if everyone can (roughly) measure a sound pressure level with a simple smartphone, the access to experimental facilities is not so obvious. Concerning target groups that are far from academic/professional world, especially non-scientists, the experimental part should aim at sharing experience through case studies which can help to understand acoustics phenomena in practice and with good metrological methods. Experience provided by companies who work with a diverse range of clients and in a broad range of application fields, may also prove itself useful in the identification of current trends and challenges for industrial acoustic application. This expertise could also help determine commonly missing or underdeveloped skills, which could be improved through learning platforms, tools and courses.
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