Acoustics Course for Engineers
Programme: ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Reference: 2016-1-PL01-KA202-026719
Start: 01-11-2016 – End: 31-10-2018
The aim of the project is to develop acoustics course for engineers with elements of gamification. Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. Gamification commonly employs game design elements which are used in so called non-game contexts in attempts to improve user engagement. The main purpose of the courses is to increase specialists’ awareness about the role vibroacoustic plays in the industry. This course will provide a source of expertise on acoustic issues in terms of specific needs imposed by a labour market. The implemented project is not a single event, but a part of a large strategy aimed at expanding and strengthening the knowledge about acoustics, supporting the development of innovative teaching methods, services and practices at the national and international level.
The project involves 5 organizations from 4 countries (with associated partners) – 2 enterprises (KFB Poland, Jazzy Innovations) and 3 universities (Ruhr University in Bochum, Catholic University of Leuven, Slovak University of Technology). Partners will be supported by associated partners from the world of industry, representing the audience. This is an extremely important for the project because it will allow the exchange of knowledge and experience between higher education institutions, and entrepreneurs. The project is coordinated by KFB, but the responsibility for its implementation depend on all partners involved. Our partners are involved in the creation of educational materials, which will then be transformed into a form of application and e-learning course.
Major recipients of acoustic courses are: specialists of various specializations (mechanical, process, rail and automotive engineering) who use acoustic expertise in their daily work. The course have to meet the individual needs of each group. The course will be a source of knowledge about vibroacoustic issues in the context of specific needs posed by the labor market (theoretical and practical). It will allow professionals to develop new career paths and stimulate their creativity. New skills will allow to apply and design better anti-noise solutions improving acoustic comfort (locally – at the workplace, near machines and devices, regionally – reducing communication noise, industrial noise, at national and international level – creating new solutions, standards, regulations).
The final result of the project will be an Internet application consists of two modules (ACE Module1: Vibroacoustic Issues, ACE Module 2: Simulator for Engineers). Materials for self-education will be placed on the Acoustic Courseware Platform developed by KFB Polska and on Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Platforms. The courses will be placed on the platform designed and developed by KFB Polska.