Case studies

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Noise reduction strategy update for hand tool manufacturer


Hand Tool Manufacturer

Scope of work

Acoustic analysis

Noise propagation modelling existing hall and new hall under construction

Anti-noise solutions

Industrial plants in many industries face noise problems at workplaces. Noise assessment for jobs that are characterised by very high variability and low repeatability requires a thorough analysis of the subject. An example of this type of workplaces are those where manual work equipment is repaired and tested.

The client’s objective was to assess the noise at the workstations and also to predict the noise levels at a new hall where similar activities are to be carried out. A noise reduction strategy was developed for both the current hall and the planned hall.

Steps taken

  1. Noise emission measurements including identification of the main noise sources using an acoustic camera analysis of working time of employees.
  2. Determination of sound power levels for the work to be carried out, taking into account the time of the work.
  3. Acoustics modelling for both the current hall and the planned hall.
  4. Determination of the required reduction levels for sources.
  5. Developing noise reduction strategy for both the current hall and the planned hall.

Dedicated solution

To reduce noise, it is proposed to replace the blow-off nozzles with quieter, customized  quiet workstations and to adaptation of the interior of the hall with acoustics panels.

The project was composed by 1 project manager and 1 acoustic specialists.

Software used on the project included Odeon, NoiseImage and MicrosoftOffice.

Full case study list

Noise reduction strategy

  • 8 types of noise sources
  • 200 noise sources simulated
  • 55 noise sources to reduce

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