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PHD at KFB! 

15 Aug 2023

That happy face you see is Rui Zeng, and she is a new member of our team and a PHD candidate in KFB’s innovative research program.

PhD Focus:
The focus of Rui’s research is the enhancement of the sound insulation of building envelope components, contributing to the improvement of acoustic comfort indoors. Her holds immense potential in optimizing building components for a seamless transition from office spaces to dwellings. With that aim, Rui will be pioneering the use of acoustic metamaterials. By strategically designing resonant inclusions and refining their placement, the research aims to tackle specific tonal components and achieve notable noise reduction.

International Collaboration:
Rui will be working alongside esteemed institutions such as KU Leuven in Belgium and STU Bratislava in Slovakia, showcasing our commitment to global partnerships.

We are immensely proud to have Rui as part of our team, contributing to advancements that will shape the future of acoustics. Stay tuned for more updates on their remarkable journey!

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