
Celebrating Excellence in Our Team!

14 Jun 2024

We are happy to share one of our teammates’ greatest achievements. Paweł Nieradka, one of the brilliant minds in our R&D team, has successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled “Application of Monte Carlo Filtering for the correction of negative loss factors in Experimental Statistical Energy Analysis.”

This implementation doctorate, carried out at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, implemented at KFB Acoustics and based on a tripartite agreement showcases Paweł’s dedication and hard work over the recent years.

Paweł defended his dissertation on June 7th, 2024, at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and is now a proud Ph.D. holder.

Congratulations, Paweł! 🎉 Your perseverance and expertise inspire us all. Here’s to many more groundbreaking achievements together!

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