
Vollständige Liste der Fallstudien

Acustical analysis for wood factory


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Umfang der Arbeiten

Akustische Analyse

Aktualisierung des akustischen Modells

Überprüfung von Lärmminderungsstrategien


The problem of noise emission to the environment concerns most industrial plants, regardless of the industry in which the plant operates. Designing and implementing noise abatement measures for industry is a lengthy process. It requires proper planning of noise reduction measures and evaluation of their results. A long-term partnership with a qualified acoustics team is the key to controlling a plant’s acoustic environment.

The client’s objective was to update the noise reduction strategy developed 3 years earlier. During this period, a number of anti-noise solutions were implemented for the main noise sources and the plant was expanded with new noise sources.

Project flow

  1. Analysis of documentation on the implementation of anti-noise solutions and the previous acoustic analysis.
  2. Inventory of new noise sources.
  3. Acoustic measurements on site including identification of main noise sources.
  4. Determining the required noise reduction levels – noise strategy verification.
  5. Proposing specific concepts for anti-noise solutions and predicting their effectiveness.

The analysis verified the required noise reductions identified in the previous noise strategy. It recommended maintenance and servicing of machinery that had increased noise emissions compared to the previous analysis. Anti-noise sultions concepts such as silencers, noise barriers and enclosures were proposed.

The project was composed by 1 project manager and 2 acoustic specialists and 1 measurements specialist.

Software used on the project included CadnA, SvanPC++, NoiseImage, QGIS and MicrosoftOffice.

Vollständige Liste der Fallstudien
  • 312 sources identified and modelled
  • 86,5 hours of total time recorded by the sound level meters
  • 37 noise sources to reduce
  • 5 stages of noise reduction strategy recommended

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