Acoustic analysis of the production plant
Restricted by the NDA
Food industry
Umfang der Arbeiten
Acoustic analysis
Noise reduction strategy
Acoustic guidelines and consulting
Anti-noise solutions
Employees working in the analyzed industrial plant are organized in 25 work areas. Employees perform work related to the operation of machinery 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The analyzed plant is one of the largest plants of its type in the world and the accumulation of machines in the production hall causes excessive noise.
The main business need was to assess the noise at each workstation in the hall and to create a map of the noise level distribution. Due to the large number of machines in one hall, an important aspect was the assessment of the noise generated by each of them. It was also crucial to reliably define the requirements and possibilities to reduce noise from each of the machines, as well as to assess the acoustic adaptation potential of the interior.